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First-Time Home Buying: How To Close on a House

 Thomas-Chambers Company<br>BRE # 01208644 can walk you through closing - 5106010116
First, a little about "escrow". An escrow agent is brought on to assure your property closes on time and the closing process goes smoothly. Escrow companies hold money for "safe-keeping" in transactions between a buyer and seller. PayPal is a simple way to think of an escrow company.

The escrow company makes sure that the terms and conditions of the agreement between the sellers and the buyers are reached in preparation of the sale being completed.

Escrow agents look for the following records:

  • Terms of sale and any seller-assisted financing
  • Requests for payment for various services to be paid out of escrow funds
  • Loan documents
  • Tax statements
  • Fire and other insurance policies
  • Title insurance policies

Upon finishing of all portions of the escrow, closing can take place. All expenses like title insurance, inspections and real estate commissions are paid. Title to the property is then given to you as now current homeowner and correct title insurance is issued as noted in the escrow instructions.

The escrow holder gets a payment when the closing is complete. I'll keep you up-to-date on what comes next.

The Escrow Holder Will:

  • Write escrow guidelines
  • Petition title inquiry
  • Comply with lender's requirements as written in the escrow agreement
  • Intake funds from the buyer
  • Prorate insurance, tax, interest and other payments according to guidelines
  • Record deeds and other documents as instructed
  • Request title insurance policy
  • Close escrow when all instructions of seller and buyer have been met
  • Disburse payments and finish instructions

The Escrow Holder Won't:

  • Offer advice - the escrow agent stays at an impartial, third-party status
  • Offer opinions about future tax estimations
The Escrow Holder Will:
The Escrow Holder Won't:
  • Prepare escrow instructions
  • Petition title research
  • Meet lender's standards as written in the escrow agreement
  • Receive payments from the buyer
  • Prorate interest, insurance, tax and other payments according to instructions
  • Record deeds and other paperwork as instructed
  • Request title insurance policy
  • Close escrow when all instructions of seller and buyer have been finished
  • Disburse payments and finish instructions
  • Offer advice - the escrow agent must maintain a neutral, third-party status
  • Give insight about the outcome of your taxes

Mortgage Escrow Account

Often, to pay recurring costs while there's a loan on the house, a Mortgage Escrow Account is created. Though most home buyers make payments via their monthly mortgage payment, Escrow Accounts are deposited into at closing as well.

Once you have the basics of the escrow process down, you can be a more assured buyer.


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Thomas-Chambers Company
BRE # 01208644

449 W MacArthur Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94609